Brent Long grew up on a farm outside of Gomer, Ohio and would later move to Columbus, Ohio. He founded Long on Life in the early 1990's as an organization determined to wake people up to their true potential in life and business. His desire is "to see the marketplace transformed by the practical power and wisdom of Jesus Christ." Brent has invested years working with sales teams, helping small to mid-sized business owners generate revenue. Brent is extremely passionate about transforming the stereotypical salesperson into a true superstar... even a Super Hero! Having invested many years coaching football, he understands the sacrifices high-performing individuals commit to, and understands the demands on that same individual. For all but two years since 1994, he has lived off of straight commission, and expects any salesperson and/or coach on the Long on Life team to experience the same. In this way, as he and others get up to go serve in the Marketplace, they can completely relate and empathize with the wear and tear on a salesperson as he or she serves others to pay for life.
Brent has seven kids, and is married to Kelley, who also has seven kids. Kelley grew up on a farm outside Hartline, WA, and now serves as an Administrator with Long on Life LLC. She absolutely loves gardening and also owns her own business making all-natural soaps and lip balms... Kelley & Kate. Brent and Kelley both have adopted children from Ethiopia and share the vision and desire to help other couples walk through the ministry of adoption in community and not alone. Brent and Kelley attend Linden Life Fellowship where they are active in various roles serving the needs of the church and community of Linden.
In early 2020, during the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, Brent and Kelley executed a long-time dream and created Longhaven. They now reside on 32 acres just west of Lancaster, OH where they are co-building Longhaven Retreat - a quiet, private getaway for Long on Life clients, couples, business owners and leaders, pastors and church leaders, youth leaders, and many others. From primitive camping to private Loft rental, they envision incorporating Brent's long-time coaching experience and Kelley's natural beauty products with an opportunity for many to "come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest awhile."